Monday, March 7, 2011

A Blog By Any Other Name . . .

Call it chance, call it fate, call it coincidence, or possibly irony.  Whatever you call it, it is so typically the sort of thing that happens in my life!  What am I talking about?  Let me tell you . . .

It was several weeks ago that I decided I was going to start my own blog.  I quickly found out that the hardest part about starting a blog is coming up with something to call it.  For me, the URL had to be short, catchy, whimsical, and hopefully clever.  I came up with several really good ideas.  Unfortunately, as is the case with such things, other people had the same clever ideas before me and had already taken the URLs.  I was becoming more and more frustrated with every idea that had already been taken.

When I finally came up with the idea of "What's on My Mind" it wasn't a big stretch to go from womm to wommit.  However, guess what?  Yes, you've guessed it!  Wommit was taken.  (Can you believe it?!!)  Anyway, it was just way too easy to go from 'my Insights and Thoughts' to 'my Insights and Thoughts for Today' – wommitt.  Et, voila!  Finally, something that was available, but was it appropriate? 

You see, those who know me well are aware of the fact that, even though I do have a tendency to be silly and at times irreverent, I am not into disgusting humor - especially where it applies to bodily functions.  Just ask my 9-year-old nephew.  His mother recounts the story of his exclamation at the dinner table after having just spent a week with me on vacation, "Yippy!!  No Auntie Danni.  We can have fun at the dinner table and talk about ANYTHING we want!"  I am sure you can imagine what sort of 'humor' was heard at the table that night.  (I'm SO glad I have a daughter ;-)

Anyway, I just wasn't sure about wommitt.  However after trying a few more ideas, which again, were all taken - I decided that I could either spend all of my time trying to find the perfect URL or I could just do my best to 'spin' wommitt to work for me and get on with what I really wanted to be doing . . . writing.  Obviously, that is what I did.  With much excitement I posted my first article on my brand new blog.  I was still slightly concerned with how people would take the name wommitt, but I just decided to relax and have fun with it. 

So, here is where the chance/fate/coincidence comes into play.  Within three hours of publishing my first blog article on wommitt, I became violently stomach sick.  It was UGLY!!!!!  I was awake the entire night, on my knees, praying to the porcelain goddess.  In the throes of sleep-deprived misery I found myself laughing at the irony of having launched a blog called wommitt and then . . . well you get the idea. 

I find myself wondering how to interpret these events.  Does it mean that selecting the name wommit was a good idea or a bad idea?  Was fate being supportive or out-and-out laughing at me?  I'm really not certain.  However, being the annoying, ever-positive person I try to be, I've decided to interpret what happened as the universe, in its sick and twisted way, telling me to get over my concern and just wommit!  So that is exactly what I plan on doing, but HOPEFULLY just on the blog - spewing only my insights and thoughts . . . nothing else!!  ;-)

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